Cannabis Potency Testing in California


Cannabis potency testing is an important process in the production of marijuana products. Not only is cannabis testing legally mandated, but it is also of great practical value in improving marijuana products and, ultimately, in satisfying customer needs.

Cannabis Potency Testing in California

For anyone who needs cannabis potency testing in California, Purity Medical Laboratories is the answer. The state of California’s Department of Cannabis Control has stringent requirements around cannabis. Proper compliance is essential — it’s the law.

Cannabis potency testing in California is something that state regulators take seriously, as health and safety rest in the balance. There is a requirement to test for 66 different pesticides as part of cannabis testing in the state. Of the pesticide residues tested for, 21 carry the Category I classification, indicating the highest toxicity level. Four heavy metals must also be tested for: arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.

PML Services

Purity Medical Laboratories offers comprehensive cannabis testing services using the latest state-of-the-art technology. Our laboratories test both commercial and medical marijuana. Turnaround is quick. Most results are ready after three days. PML’s goal is to provide testing that is both accurate and time-efficient.

When the full-service testing process is finished, the results will be sent to the client in the form of a Certificate of Analysis (or COA). A copy of the COA will also be sent to the Department of Cannabis Control, as required by law. Thorough quality assurance and quality control are both performed before results are finalized.

What PML Tests For

In addition to the pesticides and heavy metals already mentioned, PML tests for seven other important factors: potency, terpenes, residual solvents, microbials, mycotoxins, water activity and moisture content, and nutritional content.


Marijuana potency is determined by the cannabinoids in a marijuana plant, which makes cannabinoid testing key. Purity Medical Laboratories currently offers testing for 19 different cannabinoids. In addition, further research should allow PML to perform analysis for more cannabinoids in the future.

Cannabinoid and terpenes are the two primary classes of compounds that determine how marijuana products will affect the person consuming them. The cannabinoids THC and CBD are the most famous of these compounds, but they are far from the only ones relevant to marijuana’s effects. Accurate analysis of the cannabinoid and terpene content of a product allows producers to fine-tune their growing process with desired end effects in mind.

Cannabinoids and terpene testing is also essential because California requires marijuana products to be labeled with accurate amounts of these two substances. Of course, consumers themselves want to know exactly what they are getting when they buy a marijuana product.

Why Choose PML

Anyone seeking cannabis potency testing in California knows how important it is to get the process right. Purity Medical Laboratories has an absolute commitment to quality. Our skilled, experienced team has decades of experience in the relevant scientific fields. We believe in the value of cannabis and seek to help our clients better serve their customers by improving their product’s efficacy. Contact us today.

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